Sunset is the sign when the day changes to the night.
Life changes when you have a child, when you have your own family. You become more careful about what you do. You’re not going to be out late, going out to clubs, hanging out with your friends. You’re going to be at home, taking care of your daughter, playing with her. –Paul Pierce-
Life changes fast, like the day changes to the night. Yeah, I do agree with Paul Pierce’s quote. My life changes a lot when my ex-boyfriend purposed me to marry him. Becoming a wife of wonderful man is a blessing for me. And now, I am also a mom of a beautiful daughter. Her name is Naqiya and she is 11th months old.
Becoming a mother makes me more careful about what I do. When I was single and independent women, cooking was not my hobby. However, having Naqiya and my lovely hubby make me become a chef of my house. I learn a lot how to cook the meal what my husband wants and try to bake the cake that my daughter loves.
Being a mom who also works as public servant makes me worrying when I have to go home late. Playing with Naqiya drives me rare hanging out with my friends.
foto sunsetnya bagus 😀 itu sunset dimana ya kak?
Di ulee lee kak fahmi, pelabuhan ke sabang
wah Haqiya happy ya mbak main-main di sungai
Iya mbak, happy banget
seneng itu maen aer *brb ambil kamus
Foto sunsetnya kece banget
Tq kak cumiii
fotonya kece mbak, pas banget angle nya
Foto Sunsetnya baguus banget mbak. Bikin foto bagus harus pakai kamera bagus ya. Hiks..nggak punya kamera bagus.
Engga juga mbak, kebetulN itu pake kamera pocket.
Naqiya nampak bahagia bangeettt mainan sama ayahnya. . . 😉
makin keren karena bisa menikmatinya bersama keluarga tercinta.
salam 🙂